Fast Fashion Is Destroying the Planet. Shein and Forever 21 Want to Make It Worse.

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Shein and Forever 21 - two major names in the wildly unsustainable and unethical fast fashion industry - are about to team up in a new business deal that could wreak further havoc on the planet.

This will be a devastating blow to our climate, which cannot handle any more of the excess emissions that come from this relentless production process.

We must demand the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) investigate the impact of this deal on the environment!

It is no secret that the online fast fashion company Shein is terrible for the environment. The company is the pinnacle of the unsustainable, unethical fast fashion industry: it produces clothing so extremely cheap and so poorly made, some TikTokers brag about ordering clothes that they wear once or never wear at all. Brands like Shein have contributed to literal mountains of clothing waste like one in the Chilean desert.

Now, Shein could move from being an exclusively e-commerce brand to selling clothes at Forever 21 stores, too. Forever 21 already produces cheap clothing unsustainably - and far too fast. And now, Shein is going to help the company produce clothes even faster.

Before this deal goes through, scientists must study what kind of impact this deal will have on the environment, and especially our already unstable climate.

We are rapidly approaching a climate so dangerously warmed that billions of people could become refugees. We must know how damaging business deals like this will be to the climate so we can stop them! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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