Ban Fireworks

Fireworks are not only a waste of money, they are also a curse to all animals, birds, bugs, reptiles, etc.  The noise is terrible for them - their hearing is 4 - 7 times more sensitive to that of humans.  Animals are hurt during firework explosions - either because they are tortured with fireworks, or because they try to get away from the noise.  They will break windows, doors, their stable doors, etc. and in the process, they hurt themselves.  So many animals run away from home, trying to get away from the noise.

Diwali is the celebration of light, not the celebration of noise.  Guy Fawkes was banned a few years ago.  Up until a few years ago, fireworks were banned in residential areas as well.

Over the Diwali period shops were stocked to capacity with fireworks.  Who stops them from buying them?  Who stops them from being imported?  We are lining people's pockets at the expense of our animals - the very creatures we were put on this earth to protect and nurture. 

If we can get 50 000 signatures, we can take this to the president and get fireworks banned.

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