• van: Claudia Dyer
  • ontvanger: Porfirio López Lugo, Mayor of San Blas,

The mayor of San Blas, Porfirio López Lugo, has been dedicated to killing animals in his city for the sole reason of cleaning it up to attract the vacationers. To date he has killed more than one hundred including 78 dogs, 40 cats, 30 chickens and 6 squirrles. This mayor has ordered his city employees to kill these animals with poison in this beautiful port of San Blas. These employees have to follow the mayors orders with no excuses or pretext so as to clean the city of these animals because soon the high season will begin in that city . The mayor feels the animals give a bad impression of the city to the vacationers and for that reason the mayor has ordered that city employees are to sacrifice these poor animals .

With respect to this, Diana Valdez from Providigna comments to the media that the poison that was distributed in the streets was responsible for the deaths of many other animals.
She also comments that the danger to the inhabitants, citizens and animals , continues  as the poisonous substance still lingers within the city.

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