Justice for Bobby !! Demand Arrest of his killer Abdul Wahid

    This is the story of how a so called 'Pious' man, a man of God, destroyed a family by mercilessly killing their pet, Bobby. On June 3, 2020 between 6-7am, with the help of his elitist friends at Rawalpindi Cantonment Board, against Bobby's family knowledge, Qari Abdul Wahid orchestrated Bobby's murder and executed him in cold blood. Bobby was shot with a poison dart gun. To Huma's family, he was their son, brother, friend, and protector. The molvi went on to warn Huma's mother that he would do also kill her other pets. After she asked him why did he do it, his answer was "He used to bark at night. Anyway, why does it matter? He is a gutter scum." As I was creating this video, I couldn't stop crying listening to Huma and her mother's voice. I felt the pain and anguish in their voices. Justice must be served to Bobby and his family. We are demanding that Molvi Saab must be sent to jail and that RCB give Bobby's body back to his family so they can give him a proper burial he deserves and get some closure .

    Crime location:
    25 allama iqbal colony tench bhatta Rawalpindi

    These are his details: His name is Abdul Wahid. Contact 0315 6991777, he lives in street number 25 Allama Iqbal Colony, Tench Bhatta Rawalpindi near Masjid Al Mustafa.

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