Stop Whole Foods from Selling Rabbit Meat

  • van: Sara Sezun
  • ontvanger: John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods
Rabbits are gentle, sensitive animals. They are very social, and make wonderful pets. If allowed to develop close relationships with humans, they will be very playful and affectionate.

Like other domestic animals, rabbits suffer horribly under factory farming conditions. They often live in crowded hutches which are kept outside. In spite of their soft fur, rabbits are not immune to the elements. They suffer in cold weather and in rain. If kept outside, they are also vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Thousands of Whole Foods customers not only have rabbits who are beloved pets, they also buy their bunnies' vegetables at Whole Foods. (I have seen this with my own eyes.) It does not make sense for Whole Foods to cause the deaths of animals who contribute to their profit.
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