Support the opening of BUDDHA BAR Restaurant in Tribeca

  • van: Nicolas Barthelemy
  • ontvanger: New Yorkers and our international clientele who love the dining experience Buddha Bar Restaurant offer worldwide

The Community Board #1 (Tribeca) has voted against our application to be granted a full liquor license at 62 Thomas street (former Megu Restaurant).
We need your support/signature before presenting our project to the State Liquor Authority.
BUDDHA BAR Restaurant is in the public interest and we are sure you can not wait to enjoy great dining experiences with you in New York.

The community board #1 as well as the 500' hearing concluded that our project was not "in the Public Interest".

We feel that Buddha Bar restaurant is an amazing worldwide brand that qualifies as "Public Interest" matter.

Not only we will provide amazing dining experiences to our patrons; but we will also participate in the life of the community by organizing free cooking class for children, offering our space during the day for neighbors/associations meeting.

Thomas street being a very dark street at night, we also think that our operation will help making the ngihborhood even safer.

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