Don't Turn Natives' Homes Into Hunting Reserve!

The Tanzanian government is planning to force 40,000 Maasai people out of their homelands to transform the land into a wild animal hunting preserve.

Tanzania is offering monetary compensation to the Maasai, but they don't want to move. They have spent their entire lives there, and their ancestors are buried there. The displacement will also affect their cattle herds, which graze on the land.

The sale of land to a United Arab Emirates company would bring in wild lions, leopards and other animals for rich hunters to kill. Animals would also be allowed to be captured and removed from the wild to keep as pets.

The lives and culture of human beings, and the well being of wild animals, are more important than profit. Please sign the petition to urge the Tanzanian Government to abandon their plans to turn natives' land into a hunting reserve!

We are concerned with your plans to force 40,000 Maasai people out of their homelands to transform the land into a wild animal hunting preserve.

We understand that you are offering monetary compensation to the Maasai, but they don't want to move. They have spent their entire lives there, and their ancestors are buried there. The displacement will also affect their cattle herds, which graze on the land.

We believe that the lives and culture of human beings, and the well being of wild animals, are more important than profit. Please sign the petition to urge the Tanzanian Government to abandon their plans to turn natives' land into a hunting reserve!

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