Camels Don't Need Plastic Surgery - Charge Perpetrators Now!

Several camels were disqualified from a camel beauty contest in Saudi Arabia this week after a veterinarian was caught having performed plastic surgery on them to make them more attractive by pageant standards. The contest participants were banned from this year's contest and the next five, and could also face punishment for violating the kingdom's animal welfare laws.

Please sign this petition demanding that the camel owners and the veterinarian do get charges for animal cruelty!

The veterinarian performed Botox injections to enlarge specific facial features and surgically reduced the size of the camels' ears to make them appear more "delicate." This is absolutely ridiculous and the veterinarian and camel owners must take responsibility for putting the camels through such unnecessary, potentially harmful procedures.

Help stand up for these poor camels by signing on and demanding animal cruelty charges against those responsible.
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