Owners Against CRESTMONT MOBILE ESTATES Yearly Space Rent Increases

  • van: Todd A
  • ontvanger: CRESTMONT ESTATES, Brea, Ca PARK OWNERS, Brea, CA

The Crestmont Mobile Home Estate Land owners are hurting their residence financially. If you are a concerned neighbor or owner inside the park, please sign this petition on STOPPING THE YEARLY 6% PER MONTH SPACE RENT INCREASE that is financially hurting families and seniors on fixed incomes. Realtors lie to potential buyers by telling them rent increases don't happen often and advertise a low space rent price to entice buyers.

The Crestmont Mobile Home Estate Land owners are hurting their residence financially. If you are a concerned neighbor or owner inside the park, please sign this petition on STOPPING THE YEARLY 6% PER MONTH SPACE RENT INCREASE that is financially hurting families and seniors on fixed incomes. Realtors lie to potential buyers by telling them rent increases don't happen often and advertise a low space rent price to entice buyers.
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