Protect Island Animals from Rat Poison

The Farallon Islands, a group of islands off the coast of San Francisco, is home to a huge variety of seabirds, seals, whales and sharks. They're also one of the only breeding sites for the ashy storm-petrel, an small, increasingly endangered bird that depends on the islands for survival.

Unfortunately, the islands are also overrun with house mice. Though the mice mostly eat crickets and salamanders, their main danger is attracting burrowing owls to the Farallons. When those owls run out of mice to eat, they turn to the islands' native species -- including the storm-petrels.

To save the storm-petrels, the US Fish and Wildlife Services plans to bomb the islands with rat poison pellets. But the poison won't just wipe out the mice; it will also put the islands' diverse native species in grave danger, particularly the endangered black abalone that live in the shallow waters nearby.

Though it's certainly important to protect storm-petrels, it shouldn't come at the cost of other wildlife. Tell the US Fish and Wildlife Services to come up with an alternate solution to save the islands' ecosystems.
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