• van: Chelsea Scott
  • ontvanger: The people. We can stand together and bring this to the attention of others.

Emerald Estates park, Bethany medows park and all connecting parks are home to beautiful trees and wonderful wildlife in the Bethany/Rock creek area of Portland, OR 97229. Recently I noticed that they sprayed plant killer (which is a reoccurring action) on the weeds where Wildlife, family pets and people play and live. It's blue, sticky and burns when it contacts your skin. These weeds can be hand picked by volunteers etc, like I have done in the past instead of being sprayed, which contaminates the water where Beavers, Nutria, Fish, Ducks, Cranes, Coyotes and so much more travel, play and use for life.

I just wanted to quickly bring this to the attention of people, because this to me is disturbing and harmful to all the plants, mamals and the environment it surrounds.

Update #19 jaar geleden
We need more signatures! Thank you to all who have signed so far!
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