End torture and killing of black cats in Vietnam! Cruelty will NOT cure COVID-19!

  • van: Karilyn
  • ontvanger: Animal rights supporters and cat lovers

According to news reports in Metro UK and The Sun UK , Black cats are being tortured and killed in Vietnam after a rumor that consuming their flesh would cure and prevent coronavirus COVID-19.

Charity, No to Dog Meat says that the practice is centered in Hanoi, but bottles of the 'remedy' are also being sold online. One photo purportedly shows the mixture being fed to a baby.

Graphic footage taken by campaigners shows rows and rows of dead cats drying in the sun after being slaughtered. Another video shows a live cat being placed in a cooking pot as boiling water is poured over it.

This practice is barbaric, horribly cruel and completely ineffective to fighting the coronavirus. In addition, unsanitary conditions at wet markets and the cat and dog meat trade have been linked to the spread of COVID-19.

Cats are sensitive and intelligent animals. Their health benefits for humans are from their companionship, not their consumption. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring happiness to their owners. 

We are petitioning for an end to the torture and killing of blacks cats in Vietnam. And for proven and effective hygiene, social distancing and immune support guidelines to be promoted to the Vietnamese people.


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