Save the Reserve Forest and inhabitants in Vikarabad near Hyderabad

    The State of Hyderabad had lakes, forest and arid and semi arid areas. It had a diverse but fertile and rich landscape. In 1956 the state was trifurcated and lost 8 districts 4 each to Maharashtra and Karnataka thus Telangana was cut to size with only 8 districts left.

    The state was merged with Andhra when neglect of Telangana started. Now Telangana is an arid or semi arid region with it's water bodies completely silted due to over 6 decades of neglect rendering most of the land arid or semi.

    But the little hope was we had a Reserve Forest in Vikarabad 2,900 acres where wild life and it's inhabitants co-existed and thrived. We have beautiful leopards, ungulates, peacocks, other birds and all kinds of animals. It is home to a good population of tribals who know how to co-existed with the wild.

    Now lt is all threatened and would be gone for ever with stone walls all going up thus blocking all the passages of adivasis and tribals, if urgent action is not taken and government forced to reverse the sale.

    2,900 acres is given away for a mere 110 crores. Navy wants it for a Low Frequency Center. We have more than our share of barren land that can be given for the purpose. The forest is priceless. It takes a millennium to make a forest. We the locals would not trade it for 1000 crores.

    We appeal to The State and The Central Government to immediately reverse the deal and save our tribals, the flora and fauna of The Vikarabad Reserve forest of 2,900 acres. They can give any barren land instead.

    Thanking you,
    Lovers of the pristine forest and it's inhabitants the tribals, the adivasis and the wild animals and the flora and fauna. Save the wild save the poor.
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