Justice for Mollie the Maltese attacked by Pitbull

My maltese named Molly has been attacked by a pitbull twice on 465 45th Street in Copaigue. The first incident happened July, 2017 where my neighbors pitbull came into my yard attempting to attack the children and ended up attacking my dog Molly to the point where her front leg had to be amputated. The second incident happened on Saturday, April 21, 2018 where the same pitbull came into my backyard again and attacked my dog Molly for the second time causing open wounds that were bleeding uncontrollably and a fractured hip and a fractured pelvis with the possibility of not being able to make bowel movements on her own. At this point this dog needs to be removed from this neighborhood because he not only attacks other dogs but he attacks and chases all of the children and every one in the neighborhood are afraid for their lives. Please help me and my daughter Jayla bring awareness to this horrible situation and obtain justice for Molly!

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