Pass the Build Back Better Act!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: The United States Congress

The House has passed the Build Back Better Act, a bill that would change the lives of working families across America (and do a whole bunch of other great stuff, too)

The Build Back Better Act promises significant investments in childcare, as well as a permanent child tax credit which has already cut childhood poverty in half across the country. Paid family and medical leave, expanded Medicare and Medicaid, free universal pre-k education — the benefits of the legislation can't be overstated. And it's necessary. Now it's time for the Senate to act.

Add your name to demand the Senate pass the Build Back Better Act!

Not only would it be a slam dunk for working families, it'd be a slam dunk for the nation's pollution rate as well. The bill promises pathways to a clean energy transition and a potentially fully-funded Civilian Climate Corps (which would create jobs, too.) It would step up the fight against climate change so much that Exxon Mobil, a natural gas company, has spent a quarter of a million dollars lobbying against it in a single week..

Elected officials have a responsibility to deliver a full, expansive social infrastructure bill to improve the lives of Americans. The Build Back Better Act is their opportunity, and it's time to deliver. 

Sign here to tell the Senate to pass the Build Back Better Act if they care about working families!

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