LGBTQ+ Youth in America Need Lifesaving Mental Health Resources

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: President Biden and U.S. Congress

There is a silent crisis happening in the United States. LGBTQ+ youth across the United States are facing an escalating mental health emergency. The latest U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Young People by the Trevor Project reports alarmingly high rates of mental health challenges, including a 39% rate of serious suicide considerations. It's critical that we close the glaring gap between the need for and access to mental health services for these vulnerable youth.

Sign the petition to urge President Biden and Congress significantly increase funding for mental health services that specifically support LGBTQ+ young people!

The data is undeniable--half of LGBTQ+ youth who seek mental health care cannot access it due to financial constraints or fear of discrimination. This is unacceptable in a society that values equality and well-being.

The report highlights a stark reality: 90% of LGBTQ+ youth state their mental health is negatively impacted by the current political climate, with discriminatory policies and rhetoric exacerbating their struggles. Furthermore, LGBTQ+ youth of color and especially Native and Indigenous young people face even higher risks and more significant challenges.

Sign this petition to urge President Biden and lawmakers to take immediate action by allocating the necessary resources to expand access to life-saving mental health care and affirming support services for LGBTQ+ youth!

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