File Trophy Hunters as serial killers, Lock Trophy Hunters Up!

    Trophy Hunting is still going today, which is very sad.
    After the death of Cecile the lion, hunters were quickly becoming demented and mentally unstable that they think it's okay to kill lions, giraffes, elephants, zebras, etc.

    Donald Trump wants hunters to enjoy trophy hunting because of his sons Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump hunt in Africa and every country they killed.
    Since Don Jr. and Eric are trophy hunters, we could file them as serial killers.
    Sign the petition to lock up Trophy Hunters and give them a good life sentence.
    My goal is to reach 1,000 signatures.
    We must Save animals of wildlife, keep trophy hunters like Don Jr and Eric Trump behind bars!
    Thank you.
    Caitlyn Woodruff
    petitie tekenen
    petitie tekenen
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