Grant Lions Needed Legal Protection

  • van: Slava Radakovic
  • ontvanger: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe

USFWS has made a recent proposition to list lions in the “threatened” species bracket of the Endangered Species Act. If all goes well and the species are labled as threatened then many vital legal protections would also be granted to lions involved in interstate and international trade. Such legal protections would ultimately help to restore and protect diminishing lion populations/habitats throughout various parts of the world. 

This decision, however, is on a probationary period and can therefore only succeed with the support of public feedback. The decision to whether or not to list lions in the threatened species bracket will be made in 3 months from now during which time, everyone on Care2 who cares about restoring dwindling lion populations should sign to voice their support in favor of granting them legal protections.    

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