VOTE FOR THE ANIMALS - US Rep Hultgren IL-14 needs to become compassionate to animals.

  • van: James Daly
  • ontvanger: Residents in US House District IL-14 represeneted Rep. Randy Hultgren
The only way the millions of abused animals can ever hope to live humanely is by enacting and enforcing laws to protect them. Rep Randy Hultgren has not supported any humane animal laws and won't do anything unless we change his viewpoint. He voted twice for the King Amendment (HR 2642) which put thousands of helpless farm animals in danger of cruel and inhumane treatment. He failed to co-sponsor the bipartisan PAST act (HR 1518) which would have protected how horses from barbaric soring practices. He failed to co-sponsor the bipartisan Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act (HR 366) which would crack down on people attending dog fights. He failed to support the Pet Safety and Protection Act (HR 2224) which would protect helpless pets from being obtained illegally for use in painful research experiments. We need to persuade Rep Hultgren to change his viewpoint on humane animal treatment. He needs to introduce and support legislation to ensure the humane treatment of ALL ANIMALS. Help us change his viewpoint #BeLikeCharlie.
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