End Puppy Mills!

If you feel strongly against animal cruelty now is your time to speak out and help save the lives of millions of lives. Take a few short seconds to fill out this petition and stand up for whats right. You can make a difference. Be the difference and stand up for whats right!

Prisoners for Profit is an organization where we save millions of helpless puppies from puppy mills all around the US. A puppy mill is a site where dog owners over breed their dogs simply for profit while making them live in inhumane conditions. These animals are neglected and mistreated, they're only used for mass reproduction. Puppies that are sold in stores normally come from puppy mills, our job is to put an end to cruelty and let the reproduction happen naturally and for all the right reasons, these animals are meant to be loved! NOT kept in a dirty cage, unloved, and used. Our goal is to stop people from shopping for new puppies and start adopting! Dogs are more than pets, they're mans best friend♥

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