Keep Diversity in the Laurel, No Two Beer Gardens. Keep Miliki Open!!!!

Update this Petition will be taken down due to possible possible remedies that will keep Maliki there. Will be updated.

The beautiful and diverse neighborhood of the Laurel in Oakland California is a working class community of many walks of life. The Opening of not one but two "Beer Gardens" has to be stopped. One of The Beer gardens is displacing established and thriving business owned by a immigrant family that opened a great restaurant and invested years of sweat equity life in building out and maintaining there business.

Oakland Laurel District needs only one Beer Garden.. The Beer Garden that is planned for 3725 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94619 should be stopped in it's tracks.

Help save a family business.

Stop the homogenization and Gentrification of a great diverse place.

NO Beer Garden!!!

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