Who would care, who would listen, and who would care to listen? Falsely accused and falsely convicted.

Demar Edwards was given 3 life sentences with no evidence and just hear say while the 2 gentleman who were guilty received no conviction. Stuck in the state of PA with a history of many innocent prisoners being wrongly convicted on lack of evidence, poor investigation and cover- ups alone. His family just ask for him to have his fair day in court. The only way we see that happening is if we can get him back home to the state of NJ. We can not do this alone. We need the help of the residents of New Jersey.  Please help us save another wrongly convicted black man. It takes only but a few moments of your time to sign a petition.

Demar Edwards information for those who would like to write him for more info or send him anything.
Inmate #-Kg3382
Address-SCI Mahanoy 301 Morea road Frackville PA zip code- 17932

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