Bring back RPM!!!

  • van: Ava B
  • ontvanger: Broadcasting Companies

Power Rangers RPM was one of my favorite childhood shows. Going on with more than 30 episodes is good but I hope that in the future there can be a second season to explain and show us what new adventures and evils await for the hero's after they beat the virus. Every kid deserves the chance to watch a show about friendship, family, hope and memories. This is the perfect show for a second season because it is enjoyable for any crowd!  Making this petition probably wont change anything since if someone chose to make a second season they would have to get the original cast or at least the most of it on board and they would have to find the money to make the show happen again. Signing this may seem pointless but for some reason I feel like maybe one person who reads this can make a bigger difference than me. 

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