animals have rights and feelings get government to pass more rigid laws

the earth is dying, the animals are dying. In order for us to survive, we need to take a look at our attitudes towards our envirnment. Now we have a self serving, selfish attitude, which doesn't have any regard towards other living beings. When we become more caring towards our fellow  inhabitants of the earth, perhapes we will also become more caring of each other. We don't seem to realize that if the animals, fish and birds die, we also will die. We all share the earth and are interconected. First we must start with ourselves, set an example to others ,speak out, Try to influence the media to see our point of view, get governments to listen and support other organizations with simular goals, we are right at the edge of ruining the earth time is running out.Can we save the animals that are left. Caring for our fellow human beings and the animals is the only way to save us.

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