Demand the Irish Government Do More to Help the Refugee Crisis

Thousands of men and women are currently stranded in Calais, Italy and Greece, and across Europe after a treacherous journey from their home countries. These refugees often come from war-torn countries with poor human-rights records. In their home countries they may have suffered or be at risk of torture and rape, and fear for their lives and those of their children. They are desperate to reach safety and they are risking their lives. Many have already died. More than 1,800 perished at sea in the first five months of 2015*.

Little children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters are needlessly dying every day in this refugee crisis, due to the complacency and sheer lack of care for these poor people. As a caring nation we cannot stand by and just watch this happen. Our government needs to take action today, to help alleviate their pain and to lead the world in showing compassion and kindness. The world does not belong to any of us, we are merely caretakers and do not have the right to deny anybody his or her dignity, respect, and a place to live.

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