Re-Release The Lion King on Blu-Ray and DVD Under The Signature Collection Name

The Lion King is the greatest Disney film ever. There was a Blu-Ray and DVD release under the Diamond Edition name that came out in 2011, but that has long since went back in the Vault. But I'm glad to have the Diamond Edition Blu-Ray of that movie (got it from K-Mart when I was 15 and when I was on vacation in North Carolina back in 2012).

A rerelease is important, because Beauty & The Beast is returning to Blu-Ray this fall to celebrate the film's 25th Anniversary. The Lion King rerelease should have the Digital HD code, and port all bonus features from the older releases. I despise the Disney Vault with a passion, because they make the good releases harder to find and expensive.

If this movie does come back to DVD and Blu-Ray, can we have Lion King II: Simba's Pride and Lion King 1 1/2 in a 2-Movie set? Those are the only good straight-to-DVD sequels Disney put out with Brother Bear 2. The 2-Movie set I might get on day 1 of release. I already have Lion King on Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack, so this release might not be anything special unless if I was a diehard Disney collector (which I'm not).
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