NHL & Anaheim Ducks: Fire #ClaytonStoner for Poaching Grizzly Bear!

  • van: Sabrina Barusta
  • ontvanger: Henry Samueli, owner of Anaheim Ducks and Gary Bettman, commissioner of the NHL

The NHL should not allow criminals and animal poachers to play in the league. Children look up to these players and deserve a better role model than Clayton Stoner who illegally killed a Grizzly Bear.

To Gary Bettman and Henry Samueli,

We the undersigned ask that you immediately fire Clayton Stoner from the Anaheim Ducks and the NHL for illegally killing a Grizzly Bear and posing with it's severed head.

Mr. Stoner's actions speak of a basic lack of respect for our environment and psychopathic joy of killing. The NHL should not allow criminal poachers to play in the league. 

Show the world that the NHL stands for wildlife. 

Fire Clayton Stoner.

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