British Colonizers Stole the Rosetta Stone. Will the British Museum Return It?

Many of us love going to museums, and for good reason. Museums can be affordable - or even free - places that give us an opportunity to learn about our country's history and culture, as well as others.

However, many western museums make large profits off of stolen artifacts from former colonies. And if colonialism has really ended, it is time they give these artifacts back.

This International Museum Day, we must demand that the British Museum return the Rosetta Stone to Egypt for good!

When British forces defeated the French in Egypt in the early 1800s, many antiquities - including the stone - were taken back to Britain. In other words, the stone has remained in the country for over 200 years, stolen from Egyptians.

The good news is that other museums are already beginning the process of returning stolen artifacts to former colonies. The Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, an organization that manages many museums in Berlin, is negotiating to return many historical artifacts to Namibia, Tanzania, and Cameroon. The Metropolitan Museum of Art ("The Met") in NYC has also just returned some items to Egypt. If other museums are beginning this process, those in Britain can, too.

The British Museum must return the Rosetta Stone back to Egypt! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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