Demand an end to Dorset farm keeping young calves in solitary pens

Grange Dairy in East Chaldon near Winfrith owned by J F Cobbs and Sons house around 1,000 calves in rows upon rows of solitary pens. These pens are too small and many have been confined like this for months when they should be with their mothers. There is no social interaction and no exercise and some calves as old as 6 months are still in these tiny cramped cages. Under UK laws all calves must be moved to group housing at 8 weeks old however J F Cobb and son's have a RSPCA endorsement on their website which is totally incredible. Please sign this petition for the 1,000 calves who have no voice to get them the freedom they deserve and stop this cruel practice from happening again on this farm and other farms in the UK.

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