Demand Joe Manchin to support Biden's Build Back Better Act!

Moderate Democrat Joe Manchin is opposing Biden's $3.5 trillion reconciliation package, which would be a game changer for working families and the fight against climate change. Manchin claimed that some of the critical policies in the package didn't require the same immediate action like what was in the stimulus package.

There is nothing that is not immediate about the need to transition to clean energy, expanded federal health care benefits, universal child tax credit, and investments in education. Investments in the needs of our communities are needed just as urgently as anything else being considered in Congress right now.

Add your name to call on Joe Manchin to support Biden's reconciliation package!

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont responded to Manchin's opposition the best when he said he believes "that the needs of the human beings of our country, working families, the children, the elderly, the poor are even more important" than physical infrastructure. He's right. Democrats have already had to compromise on other aspects seen as priorities. The provisions left are absolutely necessary.

We need every Democrat together in passing the full reconciliation package — a significant investment in American families and the environment is long overdue.

Sign here to tell Joe Manchin he has an obligation to the American people to support Biden's reconciliation package!

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