Bring Misty back to the Main Cast of Pokemon!

Ok, As you All Know, Misty was taken off the Main Cast of Pokemon after Johto.

This Petition is to bring back Misty, the sole female anime character who was
never of the Female anime Stereotype. And we must bring her back. All Misty fans and old Pokemon fans MOST BEND TOGETHER to make it happen, we must rise up and try to bring Misty Back BACK TO the Main Cast. For us, for the world, in fact, even for the future. we Must bring back Misty, we Must work together to create this. It doesn't matter if your reasons are for Pokeshipping Canon lie it was ALWAY suppose to be, to eliminating the AmourShipping from any future conversations which would be GOOD by the way, or for any reason that prompts you to sign it. As long as it is to bring Misty back, IT ALL GOOD IN THE POKEMON WORLD!

Tell Nintendo and The Pokemon Company what you wanted If we get enough signatures and I MEAN Globally in USA and Japan as that the only way this WILL work! So if you know someone from Japan tell then sign this!

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