Have more customization when it comes to Madden 21 relocation teams

Really Madden. It's been the same for over 5 years now. I hate that when I want to relocate a team in Franchise mode I get the same stupid options such as choose from the same stupid cities every year, which some don't make since such as having 2 teams in Chicago, and also having to deal with choosing 1 out of 3 uniforms that most just look horrible, and then choosing out of like 5 stadiums and boom, you have a team that you didn't really customize.

How we could make this better
1. More Cities. Let us choose what city we want to play in such as places like Milwaukee or CHARLOTTE etc.
2. Let us fully customize the team. I'm talking name, logo, uniforms, stadiums, colors etc.
3. Still keep some of the preset teams in there though because I love the idea of the San Antonio Marshall's but I just hate the options for the jerseys. 

Help me get Madden's attention because this really needs to be fixed

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