Immediately Reinstate Eric Arndt "Enzo Amore" To A WWE Contract

  • van: Matt B
  • ontvanger: Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Paul Levesque, World Wrestling Entertainment

On January 22nd, 2018, Philomena Sheahan publicly accused Mr. Eric "Enzo Amore" Arndt of rape. Arndt, a professional wrestler, has "fully and unequivocally" denied the accusation. Nevertheless, his employer World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) saw fit to suspend him. This suspension came less than twenty-four hours after the rape accusation was made public. Arndt was not given a chance to explain himself, or respond to the matter.

Today (January 23rd, 2018), WWE gave public notice that they had fired/released Mr. Arndt. Again, this action happened very quickly; less than twenty-four hours after Mr. Arndt's suspension. By taking these actions, WWE has violated the due process rights of Mr. Arndt. Even if Mr. Arndt is guilty of raping the accuser in this instance, he deserves (and has the right to) respond to this charge (under American law). WWE did not give Mr. Arndt the opportunity to do so.

Accordingly, we the undersigned strongly urge World Wrestling Entertainment to immediately reinstate Eric "Enzo Amore" Arndt to a WWE contract (pending the outcome of the police investigation into this matter).

Update #16 jaar geleden
Wow....over one hundred signatures in under twenty-four hours! Looks like we're making some progress!!
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