Actually, Birthright Citizenship Is a Constitutional Right, President Trump

President Donald Trump created a stir when he proclaimed he had the authority to end birthright citizenship via an executive order. Given that the 14th Amendment guarantees that all people born in the country automatically become citizens, no reasonable Constitutional scholar would agree with that take.

However, the point is not whether he can ultimately pull it off, but that he's saying it all. This kind of rhetoric ahead of the midterm elections is intended to rile up his base and amplify voters' unfounded fears that immigrants are taking over their country. In taking this approach, Trump is making it clear that he values a white America over the words of Constitution.

It's a dangerous precedent to start redefining what it takes to be a citizen in this country. With that in mind, we implore the president as strongly as possible to drop his rhetoric and stop acting like he can override the Constitution with a simple signature. 

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