Please Help Beau the Dog

  • van: denise caffo
  • ontvanger: The City of Dyersburg Tennessee
Beau the Dog was confiscated and deemed vicious by the city of Dyersburg after killing a duck in his own back yard. He was taken by animal control and was ordered by the courts to be executed. Due to lack of evidence and a national outcry by people he has not been destroyed but has been held in a small dungeon like cell at animal control while legal fees and boarding fees are wracking up. They do not allow Beaus owner to visit him either. The dog is being held illegally and unjustifiably. I need people to get involved and let the City of Dyersburg know that the nation is watching. This is absolutely unacceptable. The dog needs to be released and returned to his owner. It has been over 4 months now and I am sure this dog is giving up hope. Please support this situation.
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