• van: Joy Williams
  • ontvanger: Channing Dungey, President, ABC Entertainment; Ben Sherwood, President, Disney-ABC Television Group

This petition serves to challenge the thinking of Erin Smith and people whom support her petition which demands that Jesse Williams should be fired from his role as Jackson Avery on the hit ABC series, Grey's Anatomy, in response to his acceptance speech at the BET awards.

Jesse Williams is a human rights activist and most certainly not a racist. There has been much media coverage of his controversial remarks made during his acceptance speech. Erin Smith feels that his remarks were racist and even compares him to former Grey's Anatomy star, Isiah Washington whom was fired for using a homophobic slur whilst having a private dispute with fellow cast member T.R. Knight.

Now for some clarity...No where in Jesse Williams' speech does he call any one particular person out their name nor does he utter a racial slur. He inspired many with his words and unfortunately there are people out there whom do not have the level of depth it requires to actually comprehend the meaning of his speech which is quite simple: Systematic racism exists today in America and it must come to an end.

If you agree with this message and more importantly that Jesse Williams should NOT be fired from ABC, please sign...and share this petition. Visit this website to hear the full speech.

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