Mayo Chiki season 2

Hello there people!I learned something important recently and i think that it might actually help us change a lot of things.A season 2 was meant to be created,but the sales were pretty low so no season 2 for us until the sales go up.All we need to do,is support the makers of this anime.There are 2 ways to do that.The first one is by buying the anime DvD and/or blu-ray *WARNING:THIS IS THE SUPER EFFECTIVE WAY*,and the second one is by watching mayo chiki in legal streaming sites like Crunchyroll,daisuki,and funimation,but i don't know if this is good enough.From now on you should do your best to watch anime ONLY from legal streaming sites.Ganbatte people! (to those who cant speak even a little japanese,ganbatte means work hard).

P.S. It's been really long since mayo chiki has been released,so the creators might have even forgotten about it,so don't get your hopes up too much.

Please help!We need a second season of Mayo Chiki!

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