Remove harmful pesticides like Round Up from store shelves on the Sunshine Coast, BC.

  • van: Denise of Sechelt
  • ontvanger: Sunshine Coast Candian Tire & Sechelt & Gibsons Home Hardware Store & B&K Soils & Garden Centre

Please sign this petition to urge Sechelt Home Hardware, Gibsons Home Hardware, Canadian Tire & B&K Soils & Landscape Supply to stop selling all harmful pesticides and pre-treated potted plants that are harming our bees and our community.

Many of the Sunshine Coast's municipalities have implemented pesticide bylaws to regulate the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes on private and public properties.  Pesticide application requires a (licensed)permit and municiple approval to apply in our community and your store should support the bylaws of our community by not making this product available to the public. 

Pesticides can contain environmental carcinogens, which are known to increase the risk of cancer. There is a growing body of scientific evidence linking pesticide exposure to both adult and childhood cancers, according to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Given mounting scientific evidence that pesticides are toxic to bees and threaten both individual and population survival, the continued sale of Roundup as well as other harmful pesticides not only threatens the lives of bees, but our entire system of agriculture. Without bees to pollinate our food crops, there will be no food and without food we cannot survive.

We, the undersigned, urge you to remove these harmful products from your store shelves.  

Attached is a list of harmful products/chemicals linked to cancers and bee population decimation. 

Many alternative to pesticides exist to help people maintain beautiful lawns and gardens without using such hazardous pesticides.

Educate your customers on why your company has made the decision to protect pollinators and support a healthy sustainable Coast.  We believe your customers will react positively, given the concern in the public for the plight of bees and the growing demand for sustainable and organic gardening products.

Thank you for taking this community oriented action immediatley by removing the harmful pesticides from your shelves and supporting the alternatives.

Update #27 jaar geleden
While we were busy signing these petitions, the government of British Columbia was busy putting into effect laws prohibiting the unlicensed use of pesticides across the province and stores selling these products are to have them under lock and key!It is our responsibility to educate community members and ensure these laws are followed. The details:
Update #17 jaar geleden
Hi, We are making a difference! We will close the petition after next weekend (19th of June), so Share, Tell your friends about it, and let's get the word out there! Earth thanks you, as we all do, for your assistance in making a difference! :-)
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