DEMAND a Permanent Spay and Neuter Program & Location in Muhlenberg Co. KY

  • van: Joyce Lydick
  • ontvanger: To solidify the need for a permanent low-cost spay and neuter clinic in Muhlenberg Co. KY.

It's real. The need for animal population control all over the world. Shelters are bursting at the seams. Animals are being unnecessarily euthanized because of overpopulation issues. Dumped on the sides or roads. Thrown in boxes and tossed in ditches. You name it, these poor animals have been through it all. Why? All from lack of pro-active pet ownership and lack of proper pet care in our own community. PLEASE read.

Do we have the doctor? Yes.
The volunteers? Yes. Devoted to your pets well-being.
Do we have the equipment? Yes.
Do we have the tax status? Yes.
Do we have the liability and insurance? Yes.
How about the the knowledge to do spays and neuters safely for our beloved pets? Absolutely.

1: We DO NOT HAVE a Spay and Neuter program in our local hometown in Muhlenberg County Kentucky.
2: We DO NOT HAVE a brick and mortar building at our disposal to use.
3. We DO NOT HAVE a solid answer on why or why we can not host these clinics.

We would like to try to get a LOW-COST Spay and Neuter clinic started on a permanent basis in a brick and mortar building.

SOLUTION: Network together to let our Muhlenberg County KY community leaders know that this is not only something we would like to see happen and it is the most humane thing to do. Also, it is the most economically feasible alternative to save our community to prevent unnecessarily spending tax dollars on control related issues and overhead.

The guidelines as quoted by the ASPCA are all being met. Volunteers and Veterinarians are waiting. HELP US MAKE IT HAPPEN by SIGNING this petition and/or the petition from

Thanks! more than you know!

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