Hidden camera captures 'blatant animal cruelty' at turkey farm

An animal rights group member brought a hidden camera into a turkey farm to capture the treatment of the animals on video. (AP / David Duprey)


TORONTO -- Disturbing video showing employees of one of the world's leading turkey producers clubbing, kicking and otherwise abusing the hapless birds is evidence of a culture of cruelty and neglect at the factory farm, an animal-rights group said Friday.

The company in question, Hybrid Turkeys, said it had suspended four employees and called the abuse depicted in the video an isolated incident.

The video was shot at a Hybrid plant in Bright, Ont., by a member of the animal rights group, Mercy for Animals Canada.

Footage also shows workers apparently crushing the spines of birds while others are left to die from festering and bloody wounds.

"This investigation graphically illustrates that the hidden price of Canadian turkey meat is horrific animal abuse," said Twyla Francois, a spokeswoman for Mercy For Animals.

"This is blatant animal cruelty that shouldn't be supported in a civilized society."

In anticipation of the video's release, Hybrid said last week that it had taken immediate steps to ensure the ethical treatment of its turkeys.

"Hybrid has zero tolerance for animal abuse," managing director David Libertini said in a statement.

Hybrid said it would co-operate with any investigations into the abuse and had already initiated a third-party review of company policies and procedures.

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