Free Tibetan Nuns Imprisoned by the Chinese Government

Request to the Chinese Government for the immediate and unconditional release of the following 12 Tibetan Nuns who have been imprisoned for recording Tibetan songs while at Drapchi Prison.
Your Excellency,

I would like to request the immediate and unconditional release of the following 12 Tibetan Nuns who have been imprisoned for recording Tibetan songs while at Drapchi Prison:

Ven Ngawang Choezom aged 22, arrested 03/21/92.
1st sentence 5 years, 2nd sentence 6 years, total sentence 11 years.

Ven Gyaltsen Choezom, aged 21, arrested 08/21/90, 1st sentence 4 years, 2nd sentence , 5 years, total sentence 9 years

Ven Gyaltsen Drolkar, age 19, arrested 08/21/90
1st sentence 4 years, 2nd sentence 8 years, total sentence 12 years.

Ven Ngawang Sangdrol, age 18, arrested 06/17/92,
1st sentence 3 years, 2nd sentence 6 years, total sentence 9 years

Ven Lhundrup Zangmo, age 23, arrested 08/21/90,
1st sentence 4 years, 2nd sentence 5 years, total sentence 9 years

Ven Phuntsog Nyidron, age 23, arrested 10/04/89,
1st sentence 9 years, 2nd sentence 8 years, total sentence 17 years

Ven Tenzin Thubten, age 20, arrested 08/21/90,
1st sentence 5 years, 2nd sentence 9 years, total sentence 14 years

Ven Ngawang Lochoe, age 19, arrested 05/14/92,
1st sentence 5 years, 2nd sentence 5 years, total sentence 10 years

Ven Ngawang Tsamdrol, age 21, arrested 05/14/92,
1st sentence 5 years, 2nd sentence 5 years, total sentence 10 years

Ven Jigme Yangchen age 23, arrested 10/01/90,
1st sentence 7years, 2nd sentence 5 years, total sentence 12 years

Ven Rigzin Choekyi, aged 20, arrested 09/22/89,
1st sentence 7 years, 2nd sentence 5 years total sentence 12 years

Ven Namdrol Lhamo, aged 28, arrested 05/12/92,
1st sentence 6 years, 2nd sentence 6 years, total sentence 12 years.

The twelve nuns are Prisoners of Conscience who have been imprisoned solely for the peaceful expression of their beliefs.

I am also deeply concerned at reports that the nuns have been ill-treated while in prison. You have the opportunity to show the world that you respect human rights. Please do so by immediately releasing the aforementioned nuns.

Finally, I request information regarding the above individuals current conditions, and any action you may already be taking to protect them and other victims of human rights violation in Tibet to be sent to:

Amnesty International Group 133,
251 Albany Street,
Cambridge, MA, USA 02139

Thank you for your time and concern in this matter of utmost importance.

The Undersigned
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