Administrator Pruitt: This is Not the Time to Play Politics

Americans are facing the climate crisis like never before. We have never before witnessed a deluge of rain like Harvey, or a North Atlantic hurricane with winds as strong as Irma. This is not normal.

Hurricanes feed on warm ocean temperatures, leading to supercharged storms that leave nothing but destruction in their wake. Yet as Americans face unimaginable suffering—tragic loss of life, homes flooded out, families evacuated and forced into shelters, entire lives turned upside down by these storms—EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is playing politics, disrespecting their struggle during an interview with CNN by refusing to recognize the clear role the climate crisis is playing, downplaying the conversation as "insensitive."

Take action today, and tell Administrator Pruitt: What's "insensitive" is putting American lives at risk through denial and delay. It's time for the climate conversation—and it's time for climate action.

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