Minnesota: Honor Prince with a Day of Remembrance

We've lost an American original. On April 21, 2016, legendary recording artist Prince was found dead at his Minnesota home and studio, ending a prolific and influential career that has impacted generations.

As a would-be musician growing up in Kansas, I was inspired by Prince's music and art. He opened my eyes to an artistic vision where Detroit-style funk mixed easily with the crashing guitars of rock, punk and heavy metal, breaking down musical and cultural barriers in a way that was decidedly rock and roll in its approach.

It's a worldview that I — and millions of other garage band rockers around the world — may not otherwise have known if not for Prince's music.

And while Prince may have toured the world, his loyalty to his home state of Minnesota was unshakeable. He continued to record at his Minnesota-based Paisley Park recording studio and remained a staple of the Minneapolis music scene, sometimes spontaneously joining local musicians on stage at local venues.

Help me honor the memory of this groundbreaking American musician. Sign my petition to urge Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton to declare a statewide day of remembrance in honor of Prince's contributions to American music and the state of Minnesota.

Governor Dayton:

On behalf of Prince fans everywhere, I ask that you declare an official day of remembrance to honor this influential Minnesota artist's enormous contributions to American music and culture.

[Your comments here]


[Your name]

Update #18 jaar geleden
Victory! Thanks to you and thousands of people around the world, Minnesota is recognizing today June 7 as Prince Day. Art like Prince's helps shape the world. If you'd like to do more for musicians please sign this petition urging Spotify to increase their payments to artists.
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