Save the Sumatan Tiger

  • van: Animal Advocates
  • ontvanger: President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton

The world smallest tiger, the Sumatran Tiger of Indonesia, is critically endangered with less than 400 left.

They are rapidly loosing their habitat due to palm oil plantations and logging- the trees of the rainforest becoming toilet paper.

Tell the Obama Administration to ban paper products coming into the United States from the Indonesian Rainforset, sold by Asian Pulp and Paper.


President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Phone: (202)456.1111
Fax: (202)456-2461


US Secretary of State

Hilary Clinton

U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520EMail:

The world smallest tiger, the Sumatran Tiger of Indonesia, is critically endangered with less than 400 left.

They are rapidly loosing their habitat due to palm oil plantations and logging- the trees of the rainforest becoming toilet paper.

We want to ask the Obama Administration to ban paper products coming into the United States from the Indonesian Rainforset, sold by Asian Pulp and Paper.

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