Take the Pledge: Join the Bluefin Boycott

Overfishing is pushing Atlantic bluefin tuna to the brink of extinction. These magnificent animals are famous for their racecar-like speeds, but their population has been reduced by more than 80 percent since industrial fishing began.

Last year the government ignored the danger to the bluefin and gave industry its way when it denied Endangered Species Act protection to the tuna. International efforts aren't helping either: in November 2011 the international body tasked with watching out for the bluefin failed to ban tuna farms or reduce catch quotas.

The best way to stop overfishing is to vote with your plate. Bluefin tuna remains a prized menu item. Join the Center for Biological Diversity and more than 20,000 people in sending the message that serving bluefin tuna is unacceptable. Sign our pledge, then share it with your friends and local restaurants.

I pledge to reduce the demand for bluefin tuna by:
-- Not eating bluefin.
-- Boycotting any restaurant that serves it.
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