End the Enslavement of Indian Children

Every day, millions of children in India wake up with nothing to look forward to except hours of back-breaking labour. These children are kept from school, forced to work 7 days a week and end up with crippling injuries.

With the fate of millions of children at stake, it is appalling that the Indian Parliament passed on the chance last December to vote on a bill that would abolish child slavery in their country.

For every day that this bill is delayed, millions of children in India will continue to be at risk to be bought and sold to work in unimaginable conditions.

The Parliament of India has just begun its first session of the year. They need to know that any further delay in the passage of this historic law is simply unacceptable.

Call on the Indian Parliament to immediately pass the Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill and end child slavery in India.
Dear Member of Indian Parliament,

We call on you and your fellow MPs to immediately pass the Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill, banning the employment of children up to 14 years old when Parliament resumes in February.

For every day that this bill is delayed, you are allowing modern slavery to continue to rob millions of children of the chance to be healthy, educated and free to build a bright future for themselves and for their country.

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