Hey, Big Oil: Consumers Don't Want Dirty Energy!

The giant oil companies want to keep holding American consumers hostage to expensive, polluting fuel -- and are among those opening their war chests to the tune of $8.3 million in contributions to attack one of the toughest anti-global warming laws in the world.

California passed a clean air law four years ago that has made clean energy a top priority to reduce pollution and increase consumers' energy options. It serves as a model for other states to hold polluters accountable and develop innovative clean energy sources.

But this landmark law is under attack by Texas oil companies like Valero Oil and Tesoro Corp. In fact, 97% of the contributions to Prop 23 have come from oil interests!

This is a fight for all of us in the United States. Tell Big Oil that consumers refuse to be at their mercy and their spiraling, unstable prices that come with that control.

I will do what I can to help defeat Prop 23.

Texas oil companies -- including yours -- are spending millions to push Prop 23, which would kill a groundbreaking law passed by California to encourage clean energy, improve air quality, and hold polluters accountable.

Since most of the money for Prop 23 is coming from oil interests like yours outside California, I am joining a national, grassroots effort to stand with Californians in opposition to this dirty energy ballot measure.

California's clean air law (AB 32) is designed to reduce pollution and encourage clean energy innovation. Today, California leads the U.S. in renewable energy capacity and clean energy technology, and has made efficiency a top priority to reduce energy demand, pollution and consumer energy bills. Prop 23 would halt that progress.

Prop 23 also would kill competition from California's newly emerging clean energy businesses that will reduce our dependence on oil. Despite a tough economic environment, clean energy businesses and technologies are already exceptional bright spots in California's economy, with more than 500,000 jobs to date. Those jobs also are at risk.

Your companies should be working toward reducing your pollution and finding alternative clean energy sources, instead of trying to keep us stuck on dirty energy. It is unfortunate that your company and other big oil leaders are supporting this misleading and irresponsible ballot proposition that will continue California's -- and America's -- addiction to polluting fossil fuels.

I pledge to do all I can -- including talking to my friends, family, and neighbors -- to make sure Prop 23, the dirty energy measure, is soundly defeated in November.
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