End Dangerous Jumps Racing in Australia

  • van: Care2.com
  • ontvanger: Parliament of Australia
Jumps racing is banned in many parts of Australia, but is still practiced in Victoria and South Australia.

Jumps racing is even more dangerous than flat racing because it occurs over a longer track and forces the horses to jump multiple obstacles at break-neck speeds. Horses in jumps races are much more likely to suffer catastrophic limb, head or back and neck injury than horses in flats races.

Injured horses are shot on the track because treatment of broken bones is expensive and can leave the horse permanently crippled, costing the owner even more. Horses who do finish their racing career, or those who don't make it at all, are sold to be slaughtered.

Together, we can end this cruel and harmful practice. Tell the Australian Parliament to outlaw jumps racing.
Jumps racing is a harmful and inhumane practice that puts hundreds of horses in danger every year. Jumps racing is banned in many parts of Australia, but is still practiced in Victoria and South Australia.

(Your comments here.)

I urge you,the Australian Parliament, to protect horses and outlaw jumps racing throughout Australia.
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