Withdrawing u.s. military troops (the personal security forces for exxon/mobil) from Iraq - and the entire mideast oil fields) is the just and honorable solution to an unjust and genocidal war. War crimes tribunals must be held to bring Bush and his administration in front of an independent court to see if genocide "war crimes" charges can be brought. It is time to withdraw all u.s. troops to avoid causing more American and Iraqi casualties. The good people of the world now shout: US. OUT OF MIDEAST!!
The presence of u.s. military  is the cause of violence in Iraq.

Car-bombings, suicide attacks, and hostile fire from growing segments of the population have culminated in an insurgency as serious as any since Vietnam; and the country seems to grow less secure by the day.

Between 200 thousand (Iraqi estimates) and 30 thousand (20 innocent Iraqis per day over 4 years) Iraqi citizens have died - mostly by u.s. bombs - between 2002 and 2005, since the u.s. invasion and occupation.

Over 75% of Iraqis polled are strongly opposed to the presence of u.s. troops, who are occupying their lands for the big oil company executives (like exxon/mobil) personal bank accounts.

Withdrawing u.s. military troops (the personal security forces for exxon/mobil) from Iraq - and the entire mideast oil fields) is the just and honorable solution to an unjust and genocidal war. War crimes tribunals must be held to bring Bush and his administration in front of an independent court to see if genocide "war crimes" charges can be brought.

It is time to withdraw all u.s. troops to avoid causing more American and Iraqi casualties.

The good people of the world now shout: US. OUT OF MIDEAST!!

(see http://viewfromredroad.blogspot.com/ for more pertinent info)

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