Tell Sheryl Crow: Don't Support Rodeo Cruelty!

Sheryl Crow has stood up for wild horses in the past, but now, in a hypocritical and morally contrasting move, she performed at a rodeo and donated a portion of the proceeds to a wild horse advocacy group.

Rodeos are some of the cruelest embodiments of animal exploitation. Horses and cows are prodded with an electrical "hotshot" to rile them while they're in the chute. Bucking straps are tightly tied around the animals' abdomens so that they buck to "rid themselves of the torment." And especially when spurs are also used, the animal can buck so violently that it results in serious injuries, which are common at these barbaric events.

As someone who has advocated for wild horses, Sheryl Crow should know better than to support the cruelty of a rodeo.

Tell Sheryl not to perform at any more rodeos, apologize and speak out against rodeo cruelty.
Dear Ms. Crow,

Rodeos are some of the cruelest embodiments of animal exploitation. Horses and cows are prodded with an electrical "hotshot" to rile them while they're in the chute. Bucking straps are tightly tied around the animals' abdomens so that they buck to "rid themselves of the torment." And when spurs are also used, the animal can buck so violently that it results in serious injuries, which are common at these barbaric events.

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In the past, you have advocated for wild horses and we urge you not to support rodeos, a direct contradiction to wild horse support. I urge you: Please don't perform at any more rodeos, and please apologize and speak out against rodeo cruelty.
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